If i could wave my magic wand
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

After that fateful day in Aug, i now realised that yes i really did change. A part of me died that day and along with it was a big part of my confidence. I am no longer that self assured happy go lucky girl. I now plan, worry, think too much, belittle myself. I need to keep myself sane. I need to sleep. Really sleep and stop all the wierd, unhappy dreams. I need to find myself again.


- Fairy Games -

I'm having a bit of a confidence ego issue here. Counting down to D-Day 5 days. I'm freaking out. I'm stressed. When i'm stressed i eat. When i eat i gain kilos, which i am supposed to be on a diet but hell i'm freaking out. Damn it i need it. I need affirmation desperately. But... on the other hand, lookig at myself in the mirror, i am not sure i can make it. The thing i fear, rejection. The fear is so great that i think, why even bother trying when a part of me knows i'll never make the cut? I feel like running away, escaping. But running away means not even trying. Which brings regret. So i'll go for it... which brings back all the fear. Damn damn damn. I'm thinking too much. Now i desperately wish i'll go to sleep and wake up a thin long legged exotic beauty. Sigh. Looks does matter. It does.


- Fairy Games -

Monday, November 19, 2007

After 4 days of being stuck under the sweltering sun at town she is finally off tml. Why am i complaining?? coz i am stuck there with her half the time and i miss spending our quality time together.

Its been rainy lately. Cant even go for a swim in the pool. Damn. And i miss my friends sigh.

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- Fairy Games -

Saturday, November 17, 2007

I love the lyrics to this song. It gets to me everytime i hear it.

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- Fairy Games -

Saturday, November 10, 2007

We were discussing all the places we ate in and the cost of each meal.

Me: I think this is the most expensive meal we had together.

Her: No. It isnt.

Me: Really? Which other restaurant did we go to?

Her: The most expensive meal i had is when you are in the kitchen, cooking for me. That to me

is priceless.

......... You swept me off my feet...........


- Fairy Games -

Recieved a call yesterday afternoon....

D: Hey girl!!! I got this ang moh MALE friend.... recently got divorced. I'm gona hook the both
of you up.

Me: Huh... for what? You called the right person?

D: You know you should turn straight. Get yourself a dick. This guy is rich, good career and
handsome!! He's a good catch.

Me: Noo... not interested.

D: Aint u the least bit interested in men? I dont care if i meet up with him, you are so going.
No objections.

* she hangs up before i could say anything else.*

I fumed for abit after that phone call. I expected all that from someone else not from my "best friend" after 10 years you should know me better than that. Damn it.

I am freaking LESBIAN!!
I love women!!
To put it crudely, i love pussies. *winks*

seriously.... i dont get it. whats all the facination with men and dicks anyway? Dont tell me all the bull of being fulfilled when you have men around you. I'm fulfilled enough in more ways than one thank you. It just irritates the hell out of me.


- Fairy Games -

Friday, November 09, 2007

Pics of us cam whoring during our weekly outings

This is one of my favs. So cute...


- Fairy Games -

Thursday, November 08, 2007

At my baby's place now. Just made a supper of egg mayo and tuna sandwich. I accidently put too much salt into the tuna. But she still ate it. So sweet =) *i tend to make very salty food. Sniggers*

Some probs with her younger brother again. Seeing her so upset makes me feel helpless. Sighs.

Her diners credit card just came through the mail, just as we were soooo broke. Decided to go out for a good meal plus movie tml. Since its a public holiday and she is off. She needs some comfort food right about now. Maybe i'll pop downstairs for her fav ice cream...


- Fairy Games -

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Havent been updating coz theres's nothing to update!! lol

Changed a new hp, E250 aint too bad...nice games, she lent me her PSP and i'm playing games all day long. And i mean all day long... sniggers.
She bought me a pink octopus i saw in "More than words" super round and cute. We named it "Gong gong" super cute... its right smack in the middle of the bed staring at me now.
Her off day tml. Going to slack at home i guess, she's super tired. Poor thing.

I'm in love with munchy doughnuts! Yummy. Going to buy some down to her work place soon. Miss her cuteness, lameness and her smelly smell. Haha....crap


- Fairy Games -

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Am tired... even though i sleep so much i still feel so very very tired. Its one of the symptoms i guess. Read it somewhere.... miss my dearie miss her snoring away beside me and i miss hugging her to bed. She misses home and i cant go over to her place coz i am going to get screwed. Sigh. Having a whooping cough. Irritating. Am going to sell off my E65 tml. Sobs... bu she de but never mind. All my messages in the phone gone.... gone!! Pouts...

I want the armani phone next year! blechz

- Fairy Games -

Fairy Tale

These are the nights of girls and fireflies

as I stood upon the bridge between pure childhood and adolescence.

I'd chose them both and i still catch nothing.
Wish List

Driving License
Kia Picanto

Chatter Away



My Reads

Girls with Slingshots
Affremble Quotes
Eat Sleep Draw


August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
April 2009
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
October 2012


Designer: Princessilia
Layout and colour: Adobe Photoshop CS2
Picture: Jamie-Valentina
Font: Dafont