If i could wave my magic wand
Monday, October 29, 2007

This is my current fav song. Been listening to this over and over and over. Not only i love the lyrics, his voice is sooo man!! *Drools* This is my feel good song. Lyrics are so true... so true.

Now that it's all said and done,
I can't believe you were the one
To build me up and tear me down,
Like an old abandoned house.
What you said when you leftJust left me cold and out of breath.
I fell too far, was in way too deep.
Guess I let you get the best of me.

Well, I never saw it coming.
I should've started running
A long, long time ago.
And I never thought I'd doubt you,
I'm better off without you
More than you, more than you know.
I'm slowly getting closure.
I guess it's really over.
I'm finally getting better.
And now I'm picking up the pieces.
I'm spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together.
'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through,
I got over you.

You took a hammer to these walls,
Dragged the memories down the hall,
Packed your bags and walked away.
There was nothing I could say.
And when you slammed the front door shut,
A lot of others opened up,
So did my eyes so I could see
That you never were the best for me.

Well, I never saw it coming.
I should've started running
A long, long time ago.
And I never thought I'd doubt you,
I'm better off without you
More than you, more than you know.
I'm slowly getting closure.
I guess it's really over.
I'm finally getting better.
And now I'm picking up the pieces.
I'm spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together.
'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through,
I got over you.

- Fairy Games -

Saturday, October 27, 2007

- Sighs -

My oh so wonderful gf pissed me off majorly today.
But everything is fine and sweet again. =)
I got a new nickname for her... inspired by my everdearest kenny boy.
Jeanie babyyyy.... to be said in an extremely oh so sugary sweet whiney tone.
thats her new nick.

*I know you are going to kill me.

- Fairy Games -

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Goodness... someone totally unexpected just smsed me a while back. Elina.

Spoke to her on the phone for a while and apparently she has some spinal fluid leakage to the brain and some crap. Some long word that i totally do not know how to spell. She has all the symptoms and in worst case scenrio it might lead to death, being half alive or something close to that. She said its retribution for all the bad things she has done and didnt expect that i would call her. Now i wish i didnt call nor even reply her.

..... i'm pretty shaken up. My hands are shaking.

I need my dearie now.

- Fairy Games -

"Kenangan Terindah" by Samsons (English Translation)

Aku yang lemah tanpamu (I am weak without you)
Aku yang rentan karena (I am vulnerable because of)
Cinta yang tlah hilang darimu (The love which was lost from you)
Yang mampu menyanjungku (That was able to hold me)
Selama mata terbuka (As long as my eyes are open)
Sampai jantung tak berdetak (Even until my heart stops beating)
Selama itu pun (It's as far as that will)
Aku mampu untuk mengenangmu (I try to make you happy)
Darimu... (From you)
Kutemukan hidupku (Have I seen my life)
Bagiku... (For me)
Kau lah cinta sejati (You are my one true love)

CHORUS:Bila yang tertulis untukku (If what was written for me)
Adalah yang terbaik untukmu (Is the best for you)
Kan kujadikan kau kenangan (Then will I remember you as)
Yang terindah dalam hidupku (My most beautiful memory in my life)
Namun takkan mudah bagiku (It won't be easy for me)
Meninggalkan jejak hidupku (To leave these footsteps in my life)
Yang tlah terukir abadi (They will be engraved permanently)
Sebagai kenangan yang terindah (As the most beautiful memories in my life)

"Which is worse?Death or a broken heart?Death is only once,But a broken heart shall be forever a burden on my back for me to carry"

- Fairy Games -

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I tried going into some of my old blogs to re read. But i got freaked and changed my mind. I'm afraid of the feeling it might evoke, like how i'm trying to avoid listening to certain songs.

I guess its better this way.


- Fairy Games -

Am sick... having a pretty high fever and my head feels like its bursting. Why does ur head hurt when you have a fever?
Hurts like hell.

Am blogging from her place now. She's sleeping and i cant sleep. I have already slept the whole day away.

Been pondering on a question though, how do you know if ur partner is THE ONE? I used to think that E was the one. Then we broke up now i'm not so sure if i know how to tell if the other person is THE ONE or not.
What makes you sure that you are going to spend the rest of your life with the other person? For better or worse in sickness and in health? He/She will be the only person you are going to be able to have sex with for the rest of your life. Sounds pretty daunting huh.

But you know what? I do want to get married to her. This may sound crazy but i do hope we will actually get married.

- Fairy Games -

Friday, October 19, 2007

The scene this afternoon will stay etched in my mind for a long time.

It was raining and the room was dark, i was under the covers, half awake. My back was turned towards her and she was fiddling around with something. 5 mins later she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, i turned around and she lit up a single candle near the bedside. Admist the candlelight and the music that was playing, she told me that she loved me.

............ sweet............

Sometimes romance need not be the most expensive nor costly presents nor diners. I guess its the unexpected, little gestures that means the most.


- Fairy Games -

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I am kinda addicted to the HL strawberry milk in a wierd way. It is in such a nice shade of pink!! Its gorgeous. Tastes pretty good too but i prefer the colour. >.<


- Fairy Games -

I have this tendency to watch movies that makes me bawl and sob. Its a hard habit to break. I dig soppy emotional songs, novels and anything else. I watched this show that i've been wanting to watch for ages. "The Notebook" i was at my gf's place and was sharing the room with her mother. I couldnt sleep... not with the dog snoring, her mother's presence, a strange bed and men talking loudly in at corridoors. So as i was saying, the show... wonderful, fantastic and brillant! Loving and losing and loving again. If only reality was that wonderful. I cried and cried and cried. I was still crying after the show ended and for various reasons. I ended up crying myself to sleep.

Why cant loving someone be as wonderful and powerful in reality? It's awesome in movies... makes you long to be so deeply in love with someone. But in reality, you will either end up heartbroken or going mad with despair. Sometimes both. Sigh.


- Fairy Games -

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I spent my monday in sentosa. Its been ages since i've been to chill with the sun, sand and the sea. Almost forgot how enjoyable it felt. I wana do that again!!

ok i'm like having a mental block here... never mind i'll blog more bout other stuff later but this blog entry is meant for you. You know who you are.

After reading your blog about your brother and you burning in hell because you are gay and have tatoos and stuff like that are all bull. I am christian. Not a good one though. I dont go to church every sunday, i cant memorise the bible, but i know he is there around me. I am gay, i love women, i love my tattoo and i'm thinking of getting another. Does it mean i'm gona rot and burn in hell forever when i die?
I'm not gona preach, i just want you to know that God doesnt judge. He made you who you are and he loves you for who you are. But most importantly, my dear girl... you have to fnd peace from within yourself. You need to make peace and forgive yourself before anything.

No one can convert you, nor convince you to accept christ. As much as your brother loves you and wants you to be well, the acceptance comes from within. So i think he will understand in time to come. But i was touched by what he did u know. Take the frist step and sit him down. What you find out might actually surprise you.


- Fairy Games -

Sunday, October 14, 2007

I recieved this msg today while i was still half asleep and it made me sit up in shock.

" Hey, i'm sitting at the A&E department at TTSH right now. My conditionshave apparently went downhill."

then no reply after that... after countless smses still no reply.

I started to get freaked. You know how you always said you would make sure i'll have loads of food during your funeral and that i'll have a table to play majhong... well i was afraid that it would really happen. Yes i got paranoid. It doesnt help when i have a very vivd active imagination. =p

Glad u are more or less ok. *heaves a sigh of relief*


- Fairy Games -

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I'm so frustrated and irritated i want to scream and bawl my eyes out!!!!!!


- Fairy Games -

We were bored yest night and i was staying over at her place, so we did some quizes. There's this particular one that just rendered me speechless. It was called "What is ur ideal partner's horoscope" or something to the likes of it. Anyways i did the quiz.... and viola, the result came out...................

Your ideal partners horoscope is..... Aquarius.

My jaw dropped.

She did it too, her result, Pieces.

How ironic.


- Fairy Games -

Someone wrote an entry on her blog and i like this phrase the most

"Healing is about Living and Lying.
Living is Finding and Fucking
So as you're lucky,
You should find whatever it is.

..... so true... so true.

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- Fairy Games -

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Have you ever felt sometimes apology don't work? Words of "sorry" doesn't mean a thing anymore. After all the hurt, the word just became empty. Sometimes, people say sorry for the sake of saying it. I wonder when one says sorry, are they apolgising to themselves for the mistake made or its becoz they felt sorry for the other party?

it takes a BIG heart to forgive someone and a WEAK memory to forget.


If you were given a choice, will you choose?

one day in your life to be with "the one" and this day will be the happiest day in your life
a whole life of misery with someone whom you don't love?


- Fairy Games -

Saw this super cute pink mushroom so i took a photo of it.

so bloody cute...

anyways i went for a health checkup today and apparently i have high sugar levels and i could be diabetic. have to do more checks. so mafan... so i have to control my sweet tooth. No more daily dosage of chocolates nor ice cream. damn.

She impressed me again. She knows sign language! wow i didnt know that. impressive... and her mother is so sweet, screwed her for making me walk home alone for two nights in a row and insisted that she sends me home next time. =)

ying is going to a neighbour's dog birthday party. so i gotta go doll her up with ribbons. hee.... cute ass.


- Fairy Games -

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Couldnt sleep havin a tummy ache (and its not a pooping problem )... ended up watching this HK drama show and i'm bawling my eyes out. Whats new?

Was her bday yesterday, a year older but still looks 20. I didnt do much for her am pretty broke no let me rephrase that i'm super broke but we went for dinner, movies and stuff. Simple pleasures like spending time with each other. I realised that i learnt something new about her everyday... She reads books for instance, and goes to plays. I'm impressed. And i thought she was super 'beng' lol.
Met her mother too... looks exactly like her, nice cute lady with a sense of humour. =)

I'm gona start school soon. Damn.... dont want to think about it. Back to my HK drama.

*Happy Belated Birthday. It wasnt much of a celebration but i do hope u had fun. =) Hugs and kisses.


- Fairy Games -

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Read a couple of msges that made me smile....

G: Bad ger... take my jacket away...
Me: Coz i am cold... U she de meh?
G: okok... i didnt say i dont want to give it to you. I can even go naked just to let you feel warm.



- Fairy Games -

As usual, been lazy to update. Loads of stuff happening... eg i'm offically 23. am old.... and Her bday is coming up very very soon. Headache...

Been very tired and thoughts running amok again. Cant seem to focus on a single thought so bear with the endless ramblings of a dememted soul. Had kinda a bad day at tuition today. I never knew i could be so pissed off with a kid. I was so tempted to smack him. so very very tempted. damn... argh

Went to tag along with Desiree to apply for her new flat today. 4 room... envious. i want my own too....

got a new sim card and hp number.... can video call....

see what i mean by i cant focus??

dreading school....

want a career that i enjoy....

blah blah blah.........

anyways, i read something in someone's blog today which reminded me of a particular conversation with a particular someone one particular day, or rather... over dinner.

Foolish Warriors
When 2 people break up, what is the best solution? Most people will advice to stay away from each other for the time being so that love will fade slowly. I wonder will love fade if these 2 people are apart?I do agree that being apart to cool off is an ideal thing however it does not mean love will fade. If the love for someone can disappear with time, can one still consider it love? I know many who have moved on with their new love. However, when I asked them do they still love their exs? The answer is Yes. But what can they do about it? They asked. Well, this is a situational issue. If there is something that can be done, will you get out there and charm her with your wit, move her with your sincerity?I have met many who are apart from their exs for months and some even years. But their love for their exs doesn't regress instead it progress!! Some will call them fools while others address them as warriors. But I wonder, can they be fools when they are following their hearts?I guess when comes to matters of the heart, avoidance doesn't really work for everyone.

I dunno... sets me thinking i guess. I think no matter what, we will aturally have a soft spot for our exs.

And lastly... over my birthday, I've learnt something, not to hope nor expect too much, coz u will only end up disappointed. Once again.... its another rambling, another entry, and the day is done. Night has fallen. A new day tml.

- Fairy Games -

Fairy Tale

These are the nights of girls and fireflies

as I stood upon the bridge between pure childhood and adolescence.

I'd chose them both and i still catch nothing.
Wish List

Driving License
Kia Picanto

Chatter Away



My Reads

Girls with Slingshots
Affremble Quotes
Eat Sleep Draw


August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
April 2009
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
January 2012
February 2012
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October 2012


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