If i could wave my magic wand
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

She said each time she saw me, i grew prettier. But i dont think so. I think its because she loves me so thats y i grew prettier. Sharing my daily life with her is just pure contentment. All the little things like having breakfast together in the mornings and supper in the night and all the little messages in between just helps to get me through a hard day at work. And i know that because of me, she'll try to make the world stop revolving, pluck the stars down from the skies just because i said they look pretty. Cheer me up endlessly when i am sad and fume and shake her fist at those that dare to trample on my toes.
Its because of all these little things that makes me have a little smile just before i drop off to dreamland, and not the diamond ring on my finger nor the endless number of roses nor the fancy handphones that i have got. I would gladly trade them for something that would make her smile always and stop the pain and anguish of her missing her dog.
I'm blessed. I'm lucky to have found her. =)

- Fairy Games -

Yet another christmas has come and gone... in a flash there goes another year. I always thought of christmas as a very special day. Of all seasons, i love the christmas season the most. When i was younger, i used to be able to smell the christmas season in the air. Sense the magic and the wonderment as i gaze awe struck at all the glittering lights dancing on the streets of town. You can smell the love and everyone is particularly nice and friendly. But sadly, as i grew older... i could no longer smell nor sense the love and magic in the air. The lights became just mere lights. Soon i realised i was the only one trying to stir up the magic of christmas while the others just shrugged it off a, " its just another day. why do you want to join the mad house on the streets?" Is it just me who senses the magic in the air? And who realises that the lights are not just mere lights? What happened to the season of giving and love? Or have we just outgrew the romance and childish dreams??

But i digress....

Been feeling nostalgic as i realised that yet another year have slipped out of my grasp. In a year, i got my heartbroken, went in and out of depression, died a little, changed my wardrobe, got a new pet, made new friends and enemies, fell in love, got a new job and all these are just the major changes. But yet as i try hard to remember what i have done in the past year that i found was most meaningful, i couldnt come up with anything. So tell me...what have you done in the past year that was most meaningful? Something that totally made a difference? Or are we too wrapped up in the rat race that we are blinded by the hidden delights.

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- Fairy Games -

Friday, December 21, 2007

I'm soo soo very tired. sigh. Been too tired to blog, hang out with friends.... blah blah. Basially life has been like a standstill. work work and more work. I feel lifeless. I miss going fishing, swimming, eating prata at jalan kayu, waffles, hanging out on the beach, eating lor mee at 6am in the morning, driving down the streets at wee hours of the night blasting class 95.00. i miss my friends.

I'm just so so tired, i wana lay down and sleep and hopefully not wake up.

- Fairy Games -

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Its been ages since my last post.
Been super duper tired. With everything, work, people around me, in general. I'm tired of life itself.

Work has taken its toil on me. Too tired to do alot of stuff nowadays. Physically tired and mentally draining. Everyday at work is like fighting a war.

On a lighter note, am changing my hp again. 3 months i've been with her, i've changed 3 hps. So on an average 1 hp a month. Amazing. Christmas is coming.... will be doing my christmas shopping soon. Had a list drawn up. I dont really feel the festive season this year. And i'll be spending xmas at work pathetic.... and i'll be going to midnight mass alone.... feeling nostalgic suddenly.

- Fairy Games -

Fairy Tale

These are the nights of girls and fireflies

as I stood upon the bridge between pure childhood and adolescence.

I'd chose them both and i still catch nothing.
Wish List

Driving License
Kia Picanto

Chatter Away



My Reads

Girls with Slingshots
Affremble Quotes
Eat Sleep Draw


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