If i could wave my magic wand
Friday, October 05, 2012

I hope u r happy.

- Fairy Games -

Monday, April 16, 2012

Maybe it's something you did, or something you said. Or maybe you don't have to do anything at all.

I feel like the luckiest girl on earth coz I have you. The best part is, you love me too!

I might not know why exactly I'm in love with you. But I know that I love you and I don't want to ever have a day without you.

You Told me when we first got to know each other that I deserve better. I did. You are the best and I don't need to find anyone better anymore.

You light up my world.

- Fairy Games -

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I just want to spend more time with you that's all. I just miss you so much.

I know when you start getting busy, you won't have much time for me. You will be tired most of the time too.

I really miss you when you are not around. :(

I've been crying the whole day and my head hurts. Everything seems to trigger a fresh round of tears.

I'm tired

- Fairy Games -

Going holiday have to lie to mummy, stay over have to lie to mummy. Gotta cook dinner for mummy. Gotta mop the muthafucking floor.

Dear god, please please please let me be more patient and understanding.

- Fairy Games -

Going holiday have to lie to mummy, stay over have to lie to mummy. Gotta cook dinner for mummy. Gotta mop the muthafucking floor.

Dear god, please please please let me be more patient and understanding.

- Fairy Games -

I am sooooo irritated!!!!!!!! Omfg.

Now I know why Jiarong tells me not to be with a mummy's boy. Fully understand now.

I used to look forward to weekends, coz that's the only time when I can spend the whole day with my other half. Now I only have one fucking day. Coz she gotta spend time with mummy.
This weekend only got a few hours with me, coz mummy is pissed she is meeting daddy. Omfg

Kill me.

And I'm being the very understanding nice gf by being cheerful. Fuck la.

Im at the point when I'm getting irritated everytime she mentions her mother.


- Fairy Games -

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Can't wait to see my bunny later! <3

- Fairy Games -

Think we can last?

- Fairy Games -

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I thinks I am PMSing.

Very affected by stuff and I have been feeling very out of place lately.
I don't feel like I belong at work (though I'm leaving) and lately feeling like a stranger in my own body.

Small unimportant stuff seems to irritate me. Like how our "spending time together" days are planned coz she has to lie to her mum. It annoys me. Sometimes when I come home I half expect to see her around, waiting to surprise me.
But it's difficult for her and I am still trying to adjust to this weird aspect of the r/s. oh well.

Even sex is getting so routine so boring. And sometimes I find trying to turn her on a chore coz it's so damn long when all I Wana do is snuggle and sleep.


Then I have all the worries that keeps me up at night.

And I'm so so tired.

- Fairy Games -

Monday, March 05, 2012

I'm feeling so so so shitty.

I am currently on the way to being jobless, my finances are so tight I don't know how to breathe. It doesn't help that my bills are bloody snowballing.

How can two people survive on $3000 a month? Plus my retail therapy? I have guilt trips after every shopping spree. I don't need this.

I have to get a job in 6 weeks. Coz if I don't, im gg to starve.

I feel so frustrated so Pek chek I Wana smash something.

Someone take me away from here or make things better. Please.

- Fairy Games -

Fairy Tale

These are the nights of girls and fireflies

as I stood upon the bridge between pure childhood and adolescence.

I'd chose them both and i still catch nothing.
Wish List

Driving License
Kia Picanto

Chatter Away



My Reads

Girls with Slingshots
Affremble Quotes
Eat Sleep Draw


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Picture: Jamie-Valentina
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