If i could wave my magic wand
Saturday, March 27, 2010

It's 1.20am. I can't sleep. Sighs. Relationships suck!!

- Fairy Games -

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Surprisingly everything else doesn't hurt except my head. Hurts like hell. U should have seen my 'friend' face when she told Ian everything. Like very shiok like that. Well this whole thing is my fault so u don't keep telling me sorry. I took some pills... Supposed to make me sleep dunno if it works.

My head really hurts. Sigh

- Fairy Games -

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Did I tell u I missed u today? Well I miss u.

- Fairy Games -

I am seriously bored at home. Sigh

Think happy thoughts happy thoughts!!

- Fairy Games -

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

We are the world...
We are the children.
We are the ones to make a better day
so let's start giving.

I'm addicted to this mv. Dunno y.

3 things that made me smile today,
1. Joji!
2. Ying's fat ass
3. A backstreet boys song on the radio

- Fairy Games -

I guess we have said all that's been needed to say, there's nothing much left.
Maybe things will be different next time, maybe we won't even talk anymore.

Thanks for talking to me today anyway... I needed it :)

I will still miss u and I believe a part of u still lives in me.

I have to learn to forget u.

- Fairy Games -


太多的情绪 没适当的表情

没有过去 我不会有伤心
我在哪里 又有什么可惜


On repeat mode :( cant have happy thoughts now. see... i went to read ur blog again. kill me can? i think i can memorize ur entry liao.

i dont block u, i will hurt myself, hurt u. i block u, i also hurt u. How?

u dont even talk to me. u talk to me la... then i unblock u. humph.

UNBLOCK U on msn liao la. u not even online, when u are online u also dont talk to me, KNS right.

Fyi, the first thing that made me smile today is i bought 2 pairs of shoes with the last $20 i have. So now im bloody broke but i have two pairs of shoes. :)

Now im not smiling anymore.

- Fairy Games -

if only there is a way to block someone from my thoughts, my memories, basically everything. then it would be perfect! ok i really need to stop thinking bout u.focus on happier things.

u are happier now. i must be happy too!

- Fairy Games -

its a rainy rainy morning... dark, wet and gloomy. didnt wana wake up today. if only i can sleep and sleep and sleep.told myself not to read ur blog. not to read ur blog. in the end still read. stupid stupid me. i unblocked u from msn last night, im blocking u again now. sorry.

i refuse to cry anymore. not at work, not on the bus, not at home. its time for me to build up my walls. Thicker and stronger this time.

I wonder how i would react if i saw u on the streets. U and ur gf. I hate her already.

i still need to pass u money every month for my hp bill. theres no need for u to pay for it anymore. Friends have been disappearing from my life in a span of weeks, u are one of them. I miss u the most.

I have more things to accomplish today,
1) Not to look at ur blog
2) Not to look at ur FB
3) Not to think about u
4) Be happy
5) Focus on work

I already failed at number 1. sigh

- Fairy Games -

FreakiNg can't sleep... Gahhhh finished half a pack of my cigs in a few hours. Can lose weight if I smoke more right? Saw u online earlier... Did u notice me? Helloo... Byebye. Watching the show that u like to watch. The Harlem one.


- Fairy Games -

Monday, March 22, 2010

Head hurts... Been feeling too much emotions lately and I'm super hungry. I crave for chicken wings but it's no fun eating alone. Sigh it's hard for us to be friends hor? I'm sorry I hurt u. I'm sorry

- Fairy Games -

3 things to accomplish today,

1) not look at ur fb
2) not think of u
3) be happy

- Fairy Games -

Remember how we used tobe so in love? Like nothing could ever go wrong? I believed that as long as u were around I would be ok. I always wondered how it all changed. To tell u the truth, I miss those days... Though u neglected me for work but I miss the feeling of being happily in love.

I understand y u hate me. Coz I hate myself too... I really think I'll regret losing u. But I remind myself everyday, I chose this. I MUST be happy coz I chose this. No looking back.

Till I really forget u, I'll be blogging coz noone reads my blog anymore so it's kinda safe. I miss u fei. Will u tell me that everything will be alright once again?

- Fairy Games -

Resisted the urge to look at ur fb. Suceeded. Lying on the bed waiting for sleep to come.

I hid in the shower to cry today. Good long cry and I felt better. even she could feel that I was acting weird. She couldn't figure out why though.

I need to give u money for my hp bill... I'm still wondering how to pass it to u.

Are u happier without me?

- Fairy Games -

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dreamt of u last night. Can't remember what it was though. This is the choice I made the road that I chose so I should be happy right?
Been feeling very emo lately. Anything can and will trigger a flood of tears. Bad tummy ache too almost everyday... :p how have u been these few days? How's work? Geok is getting married on the 30th of Jan. I have to pick gowns for both Joanne and geok's wedding. I really wish u could be there to choose dresses with me.

I need to stop thinking bout u.... FOCUS focus focus!!

3 tasks to accomplish today.
1) stop thinking bout u
2) stop checking out ur fb
3) stop thinking bout u

- Fairy Games -

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Though i bocked u on my FB, my other FB account still has u in it. I saw ur pictures... u and her. I guess u both slept together already? U look very happy. Y do i feel this hugeass twinge of jealousy?

U are a very good gf. The best gf i've had.

Oh god i miss u.

- Fairy Games -

Fairy Tale

These are the nights of girls and fireflies

as I stood upon the bridge between pure childhood and adolescence.

I'd chose them both and i still catch nothing.
Wish List

Driving License
Kia Picanto

Chatter Away



My Reads

Girls with Slingshots
Affremble Quotes
Eat Sleep Draw


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