If i could wave my magic wand
Thursday, May 15, 2008

I'm here to sneak a blog in while at work. Its 10am and i am already falling asleep. I miss thailand... I went there with 1 small bag, and came back with 2! hee... bought 6 pairs of shoes, a mountain of clothes and another mountain of bags. Shiookk!

Just started work and i already have 2 huge projects on hand with the deadlines in July. And if i miss the deadlines, i'm dead. So i forsee loads of OT and sleepless nights with an overload of coffee. Its been meetings, reading documents, editing books, meetings, meeting deadlines. Endless cycle. But been meeting her for dinner and a drink after work everyday. =) I enjoy her company all the time.

Boss is sick and cranky so i gotta go... blechz

- Fairy Games -

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Its my short lil holiday these few days...
Been doing things and going to places that we usually have no time nor the mood to go to. Slacked around at home, went to the zoo and seen a couple of monkeys that resembles my baby. *sniggers* Today we went in to JB and wanted to just walk around and eat. BUT... we ended up shopping. =)she is like a happy lil kid now. Will be going to bangkok on sunday and i have decided to.......... buy 4 huge luggage bags full of clothes, shoes and accessories. Yum!!

*I am really enjoying my time with you. I will cherish each and every min as i will be too busy in the future. I love you.*

- Fairy Games -

Fairy Tale

These are the nights of girls and fireflies

as I stood upon the bridge between pure childhood and adolescence.

I'd chose them both and i still catch nothing.
Wish List

Driving License
Kia Picanto

Chatter Away



My Reads

Girls with Slingshots
Affremble Quotes
Eat Sleep Draw


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Layout and colour: Adobe Photoshop CS2
Picture: Jamie-Valentina
Font: Dafont