If i could wave my magic wand
Thursday, April 24, 2008

I've always been in love with the power and beauty of words. It can cut deeper than a knife and leave you scars nobody can see. Or leave you amazed and breathless with the beauty and wonderment of it all. I've just read a short description of a couple of phones that i found very inspiring. 'state of the art. Chic, confident and assuredly tasteful. Just like you. Refined, mysterious and seductively charming. You are your own person. Your own style. It's all intuitive so trust yourself.' 'reflecting the iridescence of life' i love these few lines. Will be starting my new job very very soon. Mixed emotions of fear and excitement. Crossing my fingers.

- Fairy Games -

Monday, April 21, 2008

I'm in a holiday mood now. Will be leaving for thailand in 2 weeks time and in between that i have a week to slack and grow fungus at home before i embark on a new adventure. Thus i'm just sitting and staring at the people passing my watching the world go by while just counting my mins and seconds before i get out of this place. And i just revamped my room! Totally new furniture and new layout. I'm so in love with it now. Thinking of adding a small coffee table and a small sofa. If possible i would love to rot in my room the whole day! Whee...

- Fairy Games -

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I havent been blogging for like a super long time. Either i'm too tired after work or i just cant be bothered to blog. Will be finally going on a holiday with my baby. After a long long time. *grin* been busy with work lately.. and whatever spare time it with her or pampering myself. Couldnt ask for more now... she fulfills my every whim and fancy even my wierd sudden cravings for food. She's just amazing.
example when i called her at work telling her i want to eat apples, she bought me this huge big ass apple. I spent half an hour munching on it.

Big big apple

A cake she bought me after a major fight. She claims it looks like her. lol

A little note that came with the cake.

My gorgeous new heels that is just to die for. She bought it after i commented i loved it.

Though we have our ups and downs and our arguing and fighting, you are always the one to put the smile back on my face. I thank my lucky stars to have you around. =)

- Fairy Games -

Fairy Tale

These are the nights of girls and fireflies

as I stood upon the bridge between pure childhood and adolescence.

I'd chose them both and i still catch nothing.
Wish List

Driving License
Kia Picanto

Chatter Away



My Reads

Girls with Slingshots
Affremble Quotes
Eat Sleep Draw


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Designer: Princessilia
Layout and colour: Adobe Photoshop CS2
Picture: Jamie-Valentina
Font: Dafont